Having little or no regard for the rule of law is the issue I have a problem with more than the legalizing of a drug.
What if a law violates ones rights and the our constitution? Kind of like what if they made guns illegal? Marijuana used to be legal!!!
http://blogs.salon.com/0002762/stories/ ... legal.html
...but the ignorance of law is a much more crucial issue.
I think most people who smoke herb know its illegal! *poke*
When we live in a society where people do whatever is right in their own eyes, with little regard for the law, we are in deep trouble.
Since you and me both believe in everyone having a soul I think I can ask you this: Do you not have a God-given/innate sense of morals? Isn't there something
inside of you that would stop you from say killing or stealing or being mean to your loved ones (or anyone!), self harm, lying...etc.? Would it not feel wrong to even think about doing those things?
Now I'm NOT talking here about our ego minds and what we have been taught, I'm talking about that subconscious deep down feeling of right and wrong. That thing that most people seem to drown out a whole lot...that thing that can stop rage right in its tracks...that connection to the universe/God/source/light...your moral compass...something no dogma can take away from you, its always there, you can reconnect at any time...ITS CALLED LOVE!!!
Sane people who are criminals CHOSE to be criminals because they IGNORED their inner soul guidance and CHOSE to do something horrid. The law does NOT keep me from killing or stealing or lying...my SOUL and LOVE is what keeps me strait.
This is where we are heading in a hurry.
You know what we're really headed to? FASCISM!!! Unless we start waking up and realizing the REAL problems (spiritual/philosophical) and see what is happening, WE ARE LOOSING OUR FREEDOMS...and for what?