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Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:01 am
I usually recover from stuff quickly. I don't know if the fact that I'm 23 means anything, but I'm generally a healthy person.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:32 pm
by awip2062
I think it means you were born the same year as H. ;-)

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:11 am
by CygnusX1

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:34 am
by Walkinghairball said the original pic of the millions reportedly there was from a rally years ago in DC. Is that politifact a credible news source?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:07 am
by CygnusX1
Here's the REAL DEAL Hairy:

NEWSMAX nails it... ... ode=88A6-1

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:13 am
by CygnusX1
CygnusX1 wrote:
Walkinghairball said the original pic of the millions reportedly there was from a rally years ago in DC. Is that politifact a credible news source?
Well, first off, a BLOGGER posted it. As far as I know, no reliable news
agency (of the TWO that covered it) posted it.

I've seen it labeled as a past pic from PromiseKeepers, and as one from
the past "1/2 Million" Man March.

To answer your question, is a minion of the St. Pete
Times in FL. (The SPT is one of the most LIBERAL newspapers
in FL.)

Mainstream media totally avoided it, so go with Fox News or CNN pictures.

Isn't it ironic how Obongo and Biden had to go "out of town" during the

Interesting. The cricket-chirping silence from Pennsylvania Avenue about
the ACORN sting is pretty interesting too.

"Baghdad Bob" Gibbs had another dumas attack too, and said he "didn't
know" who "those people" were that protested....same thing he said at
the 4/15 Tax Day rally...NICE.

There's the HOPE and CHANGE we've been waiting for. :roll: :razz:

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:30 am
by Sir Myghin
I liked 'Go Green, Recycle Congress'

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:54 pm
by ElfDude
CygnusX1 wrote:Here's the REAL DEAL Hairy:

NEWSMAX nails it... ... ode=88A6-1
"I don't know who the group is," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday, when asked for his reaction to the demonstration.
Mr. Gibbs, "the group" is called The United States of America. Learn from it.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:43 am
by CygnusX1
Sir Myghin wrote:I liked 'Go Green, Recycle Congress'
I liked: "DRUG TEST CONGRESS" :roll: :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:50 am
by CygnusX1
ElfDude wrote:Mr. Gibbs, "the group" is called The United States of America. Learn from it.

Does "Baghdad Bob's" spin insult your intelligence?

It sure does insult mine.

Does he think we just jumped off the melon truck or something?

Unbelievable! :roll:

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by ElfDude
CygnusX1 wrote: Does he think we just jumped off the melon truck or something?
When it comes to elitist progressive "intellectuals" that's exactly what they think of us. I should know, my oldest brother is one of them. :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:14 am
by zepboy
No, we didn't jump off. That would have required independent thought leading us to the choice of jumping. Nay, we are much too stupid for such highly developed cognitive function. We FELL off, because we are too stupid to know better!

Honestly, that's how the liberal elite view those who have any shred of conservative leaning.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:27 am
by CygnusX1
zepboy wrote:No, we didn't jump off. That would have required independent thought leading us to the choice of jumping. Nay, we are much too stupid for such highly developed cognitive function. We FELL off, because we are too stupid to know better!

Honestly, that's how the liberal elite view those who have any shred of conservative leaning.
When one gets labeled a racist for mere criticism of The Chosen One,
there's a serious problem in effect.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:06 am
by Walkinghairball
Insane killer escapes on field trip to county fair


SPOKANE, Wash. ? A criminally insane killer who escaped during a mental hospital field trip to a county fair remained on the run Friday, and furious residents and officials wondered why such a dangerous person was out in public.

Authorities believe Phillip Arnold Paul, 47, is heading to the Sunnyside, Wash., area, where his parents and many siblings live. The Spokane County Sheriff's Office used a helicopter to search Friday, and officers also searched transient camps along railroad tracks in the area. The public was urged to call 911.

"He is in a bad mental state," his brother, Tom Paul, told The Associated Press. "Why would they load him on a bus and take him to a fair?"

That's a question many are asking.

Authorities at Eastern State Hospital are being criticized for allowing Paul to visit the fair despite his violent criminal past and history of trying to escape. Spokane County Commissioner Mark Richard has called it unacceptable, and the state Department of Social and Health Services ordered an immediate end to such trips and launched an investigation into the practice.

Paul was committed after he was acquitted by reason of insanity in the 1987 slaying of an elderly woman in Sunnyside. He soaked the woman's body in gasoline to throw off search dogs and buried the remains in her flower garden.

"Why was he allowed to take such a trip?" Gov. Chris Gregoire said Friday. "Why did they go to a location that was so heavily populated with families?"

Susan Dreyfus, secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services, said those questions would be answered in an investigation she has ordered that included both state mental hospitals. She was peppered with questions at a news conference, but deferred nearly all of them until the 15-day review, which will be in part conducted by the state Department of Corrections, was finished.

Dreyfus said it is not unusual for so-called "forensic" patients, who are being held against their will, to earn the opportunity to go on field trips as part of their therapy. The mental hospitals also treat people who are mentally ill but have not committed crimes.

Thirty-one patients from the mental hospital were on the trip Thursday with 11 staff members. Dreyfus said she did not know how many of those had violent criminal backgrounds. Patients must be cleared by a treatment team before they can go on trips to stores, parks, and other sites, said Dr. Rob Henry, director of forensic services at Eastern State. They wear street clothing and staff members are required to keep each patient within eyesight at all times.

Henry said trips to the fair were an annual event. The last escape from the forensic unit occurred in 1992, he said.

It is possible the review will end such outings, Dreyfus said.

Members of an employees union at Eastern State put out a statement saying they had long opposed such field trips.

"They believe he was an extreme escape risk and the administration should never have allowed him on the field trip," the statement from the Washington Federation of State Employees said. "The workers have unsuccessfully fought to stop the outings for murderers, rapists and pedophiles committed to the hospital as criminally insane."

The union said workers alerted superiors "within two to three minutes of discovering Paul's escape." But administrators waited nearly two hours before calling law enforcement. That gave Paul plenty of time to disappear.

Dreyfus said it was not clear how long it took for law enforcement to be alerted. Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich insisted on the two-hour delay.

Sheriff's officials were told Paul had $50 at the time of his escape.

"Fifty dollars will buy you a bus ticket," sheriff's spokesman Dave Reagan said.

In addition to local law enforcement, the Washington State Patrol joined the search, as did an inmate recovery team from the state Department of Corrections.

Paul is a white male, 5-foot-8, 220 pounds, with brownish-gray hair, blue eyes, and a goatee. At the time of his escape, Paul was wearing a red windbreaker jacket, with a T-shirt and jeans.

The sheriff's office said Paul's medication should keep him stable for 14 days, not 48 hours as previously reported.

His brother said Paul was a high school and junior college wrestler and a martial artist who should not be approached.

"I'm a tough guy but I wouldn't take him on," Tom Paul said. "I hope he doesn't hurt anybody."

This was the second escape for Paul. In 1991, he walked away during a day trip in Medical Lake and was later captured. He attacked a sheriff's deputy in the jail booking area, knocking him unconscious, and was convicted of first-degree escape and second-degree assault.

Phillip Paul had a normal childhood in Sunnyside, 200 miles southwest of Spokane, but he started acting strangely as a high school student. He said he was hearing voices and thought they were witches, Tom Paul said. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Phillip Paul has been on and off a variety of medications over the years, and also been in and out of institutions, Tom Paul said. He has repeatedly proven unable to live in society, he said.

Paul was living in a halfway house in Spokane last year, but ended up back at the hospital in a very agitated state, Tom Paul said. Hospital officials said Paul hadn't exhibited violent behavior in years. They argued in the past that he should be released, but his petition for release was rejected in 2003.


Marn and Shayla got back from the fair an hour ago.

This all happened yesterday, and there was a Sheriff helicopter over my work area today around lunch time. It was weird.

So the thought on this is.........."What the fugg were they thinking!!!!!!!!!!" :shock: :x

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:44 am
by zepboy
After having spent a little time working in the Department of Corrections, I came to a conclusion. There are bureaucrats who make policies based on the fantasy of fairness. I have seen multiple murders get conjugal visits because it is "fair." I have seen rapists and child molesters be taken out on work crews with chainsaws and machetes because the system needs to be "fair."

I am sure some well meaning paper pusher categorized this man's situation according to this perceived need to be "fair" in his treatment.

Whatever happened to treating a murderer like a murderer?

In many respects, we are living in a land of fools.